
start working

Start Working really not as glamour as i think while i was still kid.
Now im having my 1st job (excluded part time job that is not something new for me)
everyday benn trying to do better, ended up doing something similar.

However i did experienced a brand new experience, OL...that is what i can feel now.
This job i know i won't do long period of time, but still its a job.

Want to do it, do it well!!
Having chance to meet different people with different personality, age and how they act.
Im having a good time to enjoy that.

Did met alotz of elder brother and sister and auntie also, they treat me well.
Which i believe, working might not as darkness as i think.

Graduation ceremony is coming, hope to see all my friends graduate.
Although cant join, but looking forward to see all the pictures.

I will miss them, eventhough i already missing them now..