
Start a brand new life

Finally i finish my exam, it's definite not pass it with colour. however it is really glads.
As usual, i got a job. Well ... im not picky and 1 shot interview and success...(thank god)

Nowadays retrenchment is so so so common and i got a pretty good offer. WHY NOT?
Start work as a freshie is never been easy, but i met a really some wonderful working environment.
Kind Boss and friendly colleague, what to ask more?

1st permanent job, i really took a risk. Because i enter this company without knowing did i pass all my subject. haha....i eagerly hope i not needed to quit my job so fast. Everything works out quite well so far and i hope this can continue.

Pressure is slightly but i want to GET OVER IT.

Recently I wonder, I WORK to SURVIVE
or, I WORK to Have A Life.

I prefer the 2nd path...but how to reach there??