
What IF this is not what i wanted?

IF i change what I've done. i won't be the one who i am now.
IF i remain unchanged, nothing more is gonna happen in my life.

What if i try every choice i have, to take the path that i want.

I've been thinking,
Yes , we could choose the path we wanted to go for.
The only things that keeps us from not doing it.
Is the sacrifices that we need to pay.

we do not know how much or what kind of price we pay,
Its not like buying things from supermarket with a price tag.
But , the price of taking the path, show you one by one.

People always say, when you get something,u lost something.
the scariest part might be , we do not know what kind of price we pay.
Until ... its too late to know that we paid it.

1 条评论:

Ryan 说...

Do not let doubts pull you back from what you can achieve. Just do it :)